India Medical Market
Medical Device & IVD Services in India
Regulatory Services
Business Services
Pharmaceutical & DMF Services in India
Regulatory Services
Business Services
As India’s population continues to rapidly increase, its economy is doing the same. The establishment of a larger middle class means more Indians are able to afford Western medicinal technology. India’s medical device and pharmaceutical markets have grown significantly over the past few years and that growth is expected to continue. Pacific Bridge Medical’s team of expert partners in India can help Western medical companies to develop or strengthen their business in India.
India Medical Device Market Size
- $4.9 billion
- Projected Growth Rate: 15%
India Pharmaceutical Market Size
- $48 billion
- Projected Growth Rate: 22.4%
India Economic Statistics & Demographics
- GDP (PPP): $11.5 trillion
- Per Capita GDP (PPP): $7,763
- Real GDP Growth Rate: 6.6%
- Population (millions): 1,339
- Ethnic Diversity: 72% Indo-Aryan; 25% Dravidian; 3% Mongoloid and other
Related Resources
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