Reimbursement and Market Access for Medical Devices in Asia

Obtaining a high reimbursement price will give your medical device product a winning advantage in the Asian markets, and we can help.

Select your target market below for more information on medical device reimbursement in each Asian country, or contact us to discuss your specific needs.

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Reimbursement for Medical Devices in AsiaStrategic planning to obtain the highest reimbursement for your medical device product is crucial for the sales of your medical products in Asia.

Pacific Bridge Medical’s expert consultants are experienced with maximizing the reimbursement potential of medical device products. Acquiring a profitable reimbursement price requires not only expertise and familiarity with each market’s official reimbursement procedures, but also aggressively reacting to market changes and understanding the government’s healthcare goals to justify the pricing for your product accordingly.

Is  medical device reimbursement easily obtainable in the Asian countries?

  • In some of the advanced countries in Asia, hospitals receive government reimbursement for the medical devices they purchase.
  • Less developed Asian countries have little or no reimbursement, so the patient or local charities are responsible for the burden of payment. However, these countries are expected to further develop their reimbursement policies over time.
  • Oftentimes, the government will attempt to reimburse your medical device at a price identical to similar devices of its kind, even if your medical device product includes additional features or enhanced efficacy. Thus, it is critical to be well-informed and experienced with the reimbursement policies in each Asian country in order to obtain a reasonable reimbursement price.

Market access

Each Asian country has its own market access system. Generally, medical device market access refers to getting the right device to the right patients in a timely way. How do you evaluate the market access drivers for different access stakeholders in each Asian market?

In some ways, market access is a catch-all phrase that can have different components like tariffs, reimbursement, health economics, etc.

For example, in China today, if you are talking about medical device market access, you need to focus on local tenders, government reimbursement, volume-based procurement (VBP), pricing, government trends and policies, etc.

PBM can help your company with medical device market access in all the Asian medical device markets.

Select your target market below for more information on medical device reimbursement in each Asian country, or contact us to discuss your specific needs.

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