Taiwan Medical Market

taiwan medical market

Taiwan mainly produces and exports low-end devices and disposable products, therefore has a high demand for advanced medical supplies. Increasing levels of wealth amongst the population and a desire for improved living standards further boosts this demand. The Taiwanese market has growing potential for Western companies to expand their business, and is a desirable gateway for countries wishing to later enter larger markets. Pacific Bridge Medical’s team of experts can assist international medical companies with a wide range of business and regulatory affairs in the Taiwan medical markets.

Taiwan Medical Device Market Size

  • $3 billion
  • Projected Growth Rate: 7.7%

Taiwan Pharmaceutical Market Size

  • $8.4 billion
  • Projected Growth Rate: 5%

Taiwan Economic Statistics and Demographics

  • GDP (PPP): $1.3 trillion
  • Per Capita GDP (PPP): $53,023
  • Real GDP Growth Rate: 2.8%
  • Population (millions): 24
  • Ethnic Diversity: Taiwanese (including Hakka) 84%, mainland Chinese 14%, indigenous 2%
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