China Medical Market

china medical market

China is one of the largest and rapidly growing economies in the world today. With economic expansion and increased affluence, both the medical device and pharmaceutical markets in China continue to experience enormous growth. Pacific Bridge Medical’s office on the ground in Shanghai can effectively assist Western medical companies on the ground with a number of issues, ranging from navigating the Chinese regulatory system to building a winning business strategy for the Chinese market.

China Medical Device Market Size

  • $32 billion
  • Projected Growth Rate: 9.3%

China Pharmaceutical Market Size

  • $271 billion
  • Projected Growth Rate: 9.6%

China Economic Statistics and Demographics

  • GDP (PPP): $27.3 trillion
  • Per Capita GDP (PPP): $18,236
  • Real GDP Growth Rate: 6.9%
  • Population (millions): 1,386
  • Ethnic Diversity: 92% Han; 8% minority groups
Related Resources

For more information on China’s medical market, please visit our Resource Center. We offer free webcasts, charts, publications, news, and research reports.

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