

Innovative Treatments for Cardiovascular Disease in Asia

As Asian countries begin to adopt more western lifestyles and foods, “western” diseases are becoming more prevalent killers in Asia. Economic transition, urbanization, and technological development have brought about lifestyle changes that have increased the chances for heart disease in Asia. Developing... Read More


Device Regulation in Asia: An Update

Slowing economies have not stopped Asian countries from moving ahead with medical device regulatory reforms. Asian consumers demand high-quality healthcare products, making it worthwhile for American manufactures to be active in the region. Procedures and practices vary according to country. This article... Read More


Taiwan’s Pharmaceutical Industry: Market Overview

In Taiwan, the term “pharmaceuticals” refers to both Western medicines and traditional Chinese herbal medicines. There are roughly 250 registered herbal medicine producers in Taiwan and 280 registered Western medicine manufacturers. Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry grossed US$2.52 billion in sales in 2000, up... Read More


Taiwan’s Biotech Industry: Billions Invested

The Taiwanese government has promised to invest US$1.6 billion for biotechnology research and development projects over the next several years. This is in addition to the approximately US$4 billion private Taiwanese companies have invested in this sector (a significant portion of private... Read More