

Updates on Malaysia’s Medical Markets

Thanks to significant government reform efforts since 1998, the Malaysian economy has been able to rebound from the Asian currency crisis of 1997. The costs of healthcare in Malaysia are on the rise and the government is looking to cut healthcare expenditure,... Read More


Device Manufacturers Shouldn’t Write Off Asia

Despite its currency crisis, Asia still offers manufacturers many opportunities. Asia's recent currency crisis has caused some U.S. medical device companies to wonder whether there is still a market for their products and services. Concern has risen that Asians have lost their... Read More


Infectious Disease Diagnosis and Treatment in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is becoming an increasingly important market for medical products, including products for diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. Pharmaceutical and diagnostics firms can take advantage of shorter regulatory procedures required in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and... Read More