Sourcing and Manufacturing Medical Devices in Asia Report 2014

Sourcing and Manufacturing Medical Devices in Asia Report 2014Sourcing medical devices in Asia has become a common practice as more companies are taking advantage of the lower overhead, reducedĀ labor costs, and increasing technical capabilities available in the Asian countries. Medical device companies can buy and manufacture a wide array of components and medical devices from Asia at significantly lower costs and relatively high quality.

This report helps manufacturers and distributors better understand medical device sourcing in Asia. The report contains guidelines on identifying manufacturers, performing due diligence, negotiating contracts, regulatory requirements, logistics, quality control, and other issues related to the sourcing equation.


To download this report, please click onĀ Sourcing and Manufacturing Medical Devices in Asia Report 2014


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Outsource To Asia?
  3. Asian Medical Market Statistics
  4. Growing Markets for Asia Medical Device Sourcingand Manufacturing
  5. Medical Device Companies That Have Outsourced in Asia
  6. The Sourcing Process: Getting Started
    1. Identifying Manufacturers
    2. Initial Investigation
    3. Qualifying the Manufacturer
    4. Factory Visits
  7. Contracts
    1. Price and Quantity
    2. Product
    3. Defective Goods
    4. Payment Terms
    5. Confidential Information
    6. Choice of Law
    7. Dispute Clauses
    8. Technology Transfer
    9. Sample Contract
  8. Purchase Orders
  9. Quality Control
  10. Intellectual Property
  11. Other Issues
    A. US Importation Document
    B. Terms of Sale
    C. Freight Forwarders and Shipping
    D. Insurance
    E. Customs Issues
    F. US FDA Regulations for Importing Medical Devices
    G. Asian Business Culture