The Indian drug price regulator, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) proposed in January 2017 to categorize stents into two categories: drug-eluting stents (DES) and bare-metal stents (BMS). Along with this proposal, the NPPA also proposed to fix the prices of these stents, which could cut the cost of DES stents by up to 50%. The NPPA suggested various methods of fixing costs and has asked for stakeholder suggestions on the proposed options. However, the NPPA has not yet asked for medical device manufacturer opinions on the proposals. One proposed method that utilizes a distributor-price based mechanism of fixing costs, and proposed DES prices range from $300 to $600. Under the Central Government Health Scheme of fixing costs, DES costs would range from $100 to $1500, while BMS costs would range from $100 to $200. Currently DES can cost up to $3000. If accepted, the proposals would take effect in February, 2017.