

AI Transforming Patient Care and Operations Across Asia

Artificial intelligence is transforming healthcare in Asia: improving the quality of care, facilitating operational efficiency, and increasing patient access. For example, the National University Health System (NUHS) in Singapore uses AI to accurately predict how long patients will stay in the hospital,... Read More


China Becoming a Leader in Precision Oncology

China is rapidly becoming a key driver in the development of precision oncology drugs, facilitated by its rising cancer incidence, proactive government policies, and an influx of biopharma investment. China accounted for nearly a quarter of all global cancer diagnoses, with about 5 million... Read More


More Medical Devices Manufactured in Asia

Over the last 20 years, Western medical device makers have had a boom in device exports to Asia. During that time, most Asian countries’ populations have gotten wealthier, seen more government investment in healthcare, seen new, more and advanced healthcare insurance programs... Read More


Indian Drug Industry Trying to Right the Ship

Earlier this year, the Indian government issued a notification upgrading its drug manufacturing requirements. This notification said that large Indian drug manufacturers had 6 months to upgrade their game, smaller Indian drug makers had 12 months. The notification said Indian drug makers... Read More